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1930 Marlton Pike East, Suites U-99 & U-100
 •  Cherry Hill, NJ
Phone: 856-888-1326 • Fax: 856-281-9898
I have been a patient of Dr Simon's for almost a year Quite frankly his treatment saved my life Dr Simon is professional yet understanding and extremely helpful He has provided guidance and education about my addiction as well as......
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Vivitrol Licensed Provider Vivitrol Licensed Provider

Alcohol Detox

Alcohol is such a common part of our society and culture that many people do not think of it as a drug.

The truth is, although alcohol is legal, it’s one of the most addictive, widely abused drugs in the world.

We Can Help

Give us a call today to get started on the road to recovery.

In fact, 7% of Americans 18 years old and older have an Alcohol Use Disorder. And in the United States, almost 88,000 people die each year from alcohol-related causes — the third largest cause of preventable deaths.

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, you may have tried to cut back on your own or quit cold turkey. But serious withdrawal symptoms that range from uncomfortable to deadly can make self detoxing both challenging and risky. At its worst, detoxifying off of alcohol can lead to seizures or a life-threatening condition known as Delirium Tremens (DTs). In the past, to reduce these risks most people were hospitalized to detox from alcohol.

Fortunately, an easier path to recovery is here.

At TCI, we’ve developed an outpatient program that allows you to safely and comfortably detox in only 3 days.

How Does TCI’s Alcohol Detox Work?

Using alcohol for a sustained period of time can deplete crucial nutrients from your brain, and when left untreated, can lead to brain damage. So, we begin our alcohol detox by replenishing the vitamins and minerals your brain needs.

After restoring these nutrients, we’ll give you medicine to keep you calm, comfortable and safe as your blood alcohol level drops. After a few hours, you’ll go home. Then, for the next 2 days, you’ll return to our office until you completely detox.

Once your body is free of alcohol, we’ll help you begin your new life in recovery.

You have the option to start Naltrexone Therapy, which uses a non-addictive, non-narcotic medicine to prevent cravings during your recovery. Depending on your unique needs and circumstances, we’ll recommend that you continue Naltrexone therapy for 6 – 12 months.

Despite medical advancements, medicine alone will not cure alcoholism. In order to stay sober, we highly recommend a comprehensive recovery program, including individual counseling and/or a regular 12-step program. At TCI, we’ll help you make the first move to Get Clean and then help you Stay Clean.

The Benefits of TCI’s Alcohol Detox:

Outpatient Care

  • 3 days to complete the process
  • No general anesthesia
  • No required hospital stays

Minimal Discomfort

  • Safe, assisted withdrawal process
  • Medicine to reduce discomfort
  • Caring support from medical professionals who understand addiction

Long-Term Support

  • Naltrexone therapy to reduce cravings and prevent relapse
  • Plan for maintaining sobriety
  • Access to recovery support services

Check our these helpful resources for more details:

You can free yourself from addiction. Add your name to the 98% of patients who successfully completed their detox.

Let’s take the next step together. Call us at 877-773-3869 or 877-773-3869.